상세 컨텐츠

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[지상직] 항공사 지상직 용어 - 항공사 지상직 업무중 G/D 업무란?

˚ [지상직] 기본 정립

by 호이얀 2008. 9. 11. 11:32



[지상직] 항공사 지상직 용어 - 항공사 지상직 업무중 G/D 업무란?


항공기 출항허가를 받기 위해 관계기관에 제출하는 서류의 하나로 항공편의 일반적 사항, 승무원의 명

단과 비행상의 특기사항 등이 기재되어 있다

General Declaration (Air)

The Aircraft Commander (AC) is responsible for completing the General Declaration (Air).  This document, which is only necessary for international flights, includes details of the crew, aircraft registration number and itinerary. Two copies must be provided to the airport authorities at each airfield at which the aircraft lands, including the departure airfield and final destination.  Copies must also be given to Customs as required. 





          Operator: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


          Marks of Nationality and Registration*……………………………………..……     Flight No …………………  Date ………………….


          Departure from....................................................... ……………….. (Place)        Arrival at …………………................ …….(Place)



("Place" Column always to list origin, every en-route stop and destination)


                      PLACE                                              TOTAL NUMBER                                            NUMBER OF PASSENGERS

                                                                                        OF CREW*                                                        ON THIS STAGE**


                                                                                                                                                          Departure Place:


                                                                                                                                                          Through on same flight


                                                                                                                                                          Arrival Place:


                                                                                                                                                          Through on same flight





Declaration of Health*                                                                                                                           for official use only


Persons on board with illnesses other than airsickness or the effects of accidents (including persons with symptoms or signs of illness such as rash, fever, chills, diarrhoea) as well as those cases of illness disembarked during the flight……………………………  ………………………………………………......................................................................... …….................................................................………………………………………………


Any other conditions on board which may lead to the spread of disease…………………

…………………………………………………………………………………………….…......................................................................... .......................................................................


Details of each disinsecting or sanitary treatment (place, date, time, method) during the flight. If no disinsecting has been carried out during the flight, give details of most recent disinsecting  ………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………….

........................................................................ ........................................................................



Signed, if required      -----------------------------------------------            

Crew member concerned


I declare that all statements and particulars contained in this General Declaration, and in any supplementary forms required to be presented with this General Declaration, are complete, exact and true to the best of my knowledge and that all through passengers will continue/have continued on the flight.


                                                                SIGNATURE         --------------------------------------

Authorized Agent or Pilot-in-command

*To be completed only when required by the State.

**Not to be completed when passenger manifests are presented and to be completed only when required by the State.


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